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This website includes the statistics on criminal convictions, police-reported offenses, sentenced punishments and incarceration in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The earliest data begins in 1810 and most statistics end in 2022. The data is available in two formats. First, the website itself is built upon a web-based data interface that you can use to access all statistics in a sort-of pre-filtered manner. The web-based data is primarily in English and some tables have original language titles included as well. Second, there are links to spreadsheet files, each containing all statistics of a single country. The files are all in original nordic languages but there is a tab containing English translations. You can simply copy the title row from the translation tab and paste it directly over the original language title row to translate the files into English.
Please note that the website is still a work in progress and new features and statistics are still being implemented. I first and foremost apologise for the lack of fixed header rows and first columns. This feature will be implemented in the future. It currently causes too much performance issues to be activated.

Some tables have the option to filter by year. You can write in the year range you wish to display. Please note that the chosen end year is NOT included in the filtered table. This will also update charts.

All tables have the option to print the table, export it in Excel or CSV formats or copy the contents to the clipboard. Some tables have the option to filter which columns are visible. You can change the displayed columns by clicking on the eye button.

All tables have the option to change the number of rows displayed on the table. By default, all rows are visible. This will also update charts.

Some tables have the option to search the table. The search only works on rows, not columns, which is why it is not included in all tables.
Data contents at a glance:
1. Data on convictions of criminal offenses.
Statistical unit: Individual offense
Temporal scope: Sweden 1830–2022, Denmark 1832–2022, Finland 1842–2022, Norway 1846–2014 and 2002–2022.
Example: Number of convictions for defamation in Norway, annually 1846–2014.
2. Data on offenses reported to the police.
Statistical unit: Individual offense
Temporal scope: Finland 1927–2022, Denmark 1933–2022, Sweden 1950–2022, Norway 1957–2022.
Example: Number of police-reported document forgeries in Denmark, annually 1933–2022.
3. Data on sentenced punishments.
Statistical unit: Individual type of punishment
Temporal scope: Denmark 1832–2022, Finland 1842–2022, Sweden 1857–2022, Norway 1860–2022.
Example: Number of sentenced fines in Sweden, annually 1857–2022.
4. Data on incarceration.
Statistical unit: Prisoners 31.12. and various others.
Temporal scope: Finland 1810–2022, Norway 1814–2022, Sweden 1830–2022, Denmark 1858–2022.
Example 1: Prisoners on 31.12. in Finland, annually 1810–2022.
Example 2: Daily average prison population in Finland, annually 1886–2022.